Sunday, May 16, 2010

The yummiest place on Earth

Last Friday we made a trip to out to Chocolate World! My friend from high school was out there on vacation and since we've been wanting to go anyway we decided it was a great time.
I started the day bright and early by waking up at 4:00am to nurse Clara and then not being able to fall back asleep because I thought I had lice (that's another story . . . but, no, I don't). By 8:00 am we were out the door and headed to Hershey. It took us about two hours to get there and another hour to nurse Clara, change her diaper, smother the girls with sunblock, and walk across the giant parking lot.

Here are a few highlights from our trip:

We got to meet Hershey!

Most of the kid rides wouldn't let adults on them. I thought that Luci would be scared to go without us, but she was perfectly fine. It was cute to see her riding by herself, but a little sad too. She's so grown up!

Chocolate world is separate from Hershey park and is free. During our lunch break we stopped in and took the tour/ride. It reminds me a lot of the rides at Disney Land because you ride in a boat, stuffed cows sing to you, and at the end they take your picture and want you to pay a million bucks for it :). A bonus: the whole building smells like chocolate and you get a free mini hershey's!
On our way out Luci skinned her knee and didn't want to smile for the picture.

For lunch we found a tiny chunk of lawn outside of the park and had a picnic.

Kirk took the girls for a few hours and let me hang out with my friend. It was a lot of fun to go on some "big kid" rides and catch up with her.

When I came back I found Kirk and the girls sleeping on a bench. What a great husband and Daddy he is! I love him so much!

We had a lot of fun and didn't make it back home until 11:00pm. It was a great trip, but I was very glad to be back home in my bed.


Unknown said...

how fun, I'm so jealous though. I love the picture of Kirk and the girls sound asleep on the bench, how precious is that.

Nicole Marsh said...

How fun!! I had been meaning to ask you how it went. I think I am going to have go buy some chocolate now. That is too funny that kirk was asleep too.

Marisa Jean said...

I've never even heard of this place. Amazing what kids will do to a little adventure (meaning getting the prep-work done so all will go smoothly).

I love the picture and story of finding your girls and Kirk asleep. Classic!

Now what's this about lice? That was totally random.

Chelsa said...

I guess I should have clarified that Kirk is not really sleeping, but pretending :).

We had just found out that Lice was going around our ward. When I woke up my head itched and I thought I felt little bugs on my bed (turns out they were just crumbs). Since we had gone to the church the night before to get temple recommends I thought for sure I had caught lice. Luckily I didn't. It did take Kirk checking my hair five times before I was convinced though.

Unknown said...

That sounds so fun. When we visited Hershey it was in the winter so most of the rides were closed and it was pretty cold outside. I am sure it is much better in the summer. And I'm glad you don't have lice! That would be awful!!