Thursday, January 14, 2010

Accidental Hangover

So, I didn't really have a hangover, but I did accidentally sample the forbidden. On Sunday, Kirk's teacher hosted a dinner at her house for the graduate students. Of course they had plenty of wine and beer which I easily avoided. What I didn't know was that I should be avoiding the chocolates too. They had these chocolate balls that seemed as if they were filled with peanut butter. They were really delicious, so I kept eating them. A little while later I over heard some people talking about the bourbon balls they brought. I thought, 'bourbon, that sounds like it could be an alcoholic drink.' Meanwhile Luci kept running back to the table to grab more, and Kirk not realizing what they were allowed her to.
When we left I asked Kirk if bourbon was something alcoholic, and sure enough it is. I was so paranoid that my daughter and I were drunk. I started looking it up on-line to see how much damage we had done, and the only thing I really found were warnings on giving these to children and driving after eating too many. Then the thought hit me that my baby is going to have fetal alcohol syndrome. Yes, I am a paranoid person.
Anyways, a few days later I realize that it is kind of funny and I'm not as worried about fetal alcohol syndrome. This was just a wake-up call to my naiveté. Next party I will be more wary about what we eat.


The Tharps said...

haha, who would have thought they were bourbon balls! I would have done the same thing! I'm sure your baby will be perfectly fine! I'm surprised that no one at the party said anything when they saw you and luci eatting them, because they know your prego, I would have thought someone would have said something. :) Maybe I'm nieve too!

Ben and Summer said...

That's so funny Chelsea, I'm sure that's happened to so many people. The exact same thing happened to Ben on one of his trips to a Conference this fall. It was even Burbon balls! Good luck, I'm sure it will be fine. If you're still worried about it you can mention it to your Dr. next time and ask what they thing. (Just to be reassured;)

Nicole Marsh said...

I still love this story!!! Hahahah

Marisa Jean said...

This story totally made my day! HA! If it wasn't enough to give you a buzz, I think you're okay! :)

Unknown said...

I'm so laughing I love your story and no you can't get drunk off of the burboun balls. It is so funny what people will bring to parties.

Chelsa said...

I was surprised that no one was stopping a pregnant woman and child from eating them too.

Dione said...

This story made my day!

Aloha_Misty said...

Oh that was hilarious! I remember when I was student teaching someone brought back those chocolate bourbon balls and passed them out to the class...the teacher ate one and started freaking out because they were full of alcohol. So funny! So you are 34 weeks! How exciting. I can't wait to see pictures of your little one.