Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday Girl

My baby is now four years old! What a cute four year old too! Kirk was out of town on her birthday so we celebrated it two days early with him. We went bowling, to Chic Fila for dinner, then home for cake, ice cream, and presents.

Luci tried a few different techniques when she was bowling . . .

The ramp . . .

Throwing the ball onto the lane . . .

and pushing it between her legs . . .

This method proved to be the most successful. She even got a spare!

Luci really wanted a princess cake for her birthday. My friend had the dress pan so I bought a three dollar doll top to stick in it and gave it a shot. I was a cheapskate and didn't buy the fondount, so it didn't turn out that great. It tasted good though!

Luci's main present from us was a doll house that we've been working on for seven months (off and on). I found a drawer thing at the Goodwill that I made it out of. I was so excited to give it to her. She likes it, but I was really hoping she'd pass out with with excitement when she saw how much time I spent on it :). I'll post before and after pictures of it shortly.

Late that night, my parents came into town. Their timing to visit couldn't have been more perfect because early the next morning Kirk left to Seattle for a conference. I was so glad to have their company!

With my parents in town we celebrated again on Luci's real birthday. For breakfast she requested waffles and hashbrowns.

After breakfast she opened her presents from my Mom and Dad and spent the next hour playing with the play-doh cake maker they gave her. It was good to see her 24 colored blob of play-doh being used again.

She then got to skype with her other Grandma and open more presents .

and play some more . . .

I had to teach my class at noon and while I was gone my awesome parents watched my kids, cleaned the house, and whipped up a cake! I love my parents!

It's embarrassing how much better the princess cake my mom made was then mine.

She had a couple of friends over to play and share her cake with.

One of Luci's favorite things to play with are pipe cleaners. She loves to make people and jewelry out of them.

This is her and the boy she claims she's going to marry when she grows up playing with pipe cleaners in their hut behind the recliner.

That night we got a Little Caesar's Pizza and headed to the mall to have an indoor picnic. We sat right by the gum ball machines, so Luci did a lot of chewing, but not much eating.

It was so nice having my parents around. Both of my girls really loved their attention. It means a lot to me that my parents love my kids so much too!

Saying good-bye was hard! Especially since Kirk was still gone.

Kirk got home a day and a half later. We were all so excited to have him back!!

Here's some more pictures just for fun.

Clara loves wearing Luci's scarf. She's always getting it out and putting it on. Luci tried to take it from her once and Clara flipped out. I think she's going to be a girly girl.

Luci has been such a goof ball lately. Her new favorite thing is to stick her bum in front of the camera every time I take a picture. She thinks she's so funny. I can't help but laugh too. It is kind of funny right?


Unknown said...

I can't believe that Luci is 4 years old, it seems crazy. I'm so glad you had a fun visit with your parents. They really are fun and kind people.

Marisa Jean said...

I can't wait to see the doll house! I'm sure she's loving it!

Isn't it amazing how much you realize your parents do for you when they aren't around? Same goes for the hubby. You miss them like crazy.

Luci looks like she had one heck of a 4th birthday! Lucky gal!

The Tharps said...

Looks like luci had an awesome 2 day celebration for her birthday! I can't believe she is 4! Clara is getting so big! I can't believe how much hair she has now! Luci and Clara look like such good friends. Your parents are so nice, perfect timing for them to be there. I think you did a great job on your cake!

Nicole Marsh said...

Somehow I missed seeing this post. I think you are brave for doing the doll cake. My cakes always turn out so ugly!! I am glad that Luci had a good birthday. I want to see pictures of the doll house.

Unknown said...

Cute pictures! I am glad your parents got to visit especially with your husband being gone. Both girls are so cute!