Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Banana Tree

Yesterday morning Luci woke up at 5:30am! We let her climb in bed with us in hopes that she would fall back to sleep. At 7:30am she was still awake. So we kicked her out and turned on PBS, hoping for a few more minutes of sleep. About an hour later she came running back in to tell me about a banana tree on TV that she wanted her name on. I thought that sounded weird, but I was too tired to pursue it and brushed her off with a "that's nice". A minute later she came running back, insistent that I come see the banana tree and help her get her name on it. Half awake, I stumbled out of bed and followed her to the living room. It turned out to be one of those live contribution events where they entice you to donate. If you made a contribution, they put a paper banana with your child's name on a banana tree (Curios George had just ended). Since we used PBS as our babysitter, we figured it was only right for us to pay our dues. So one phone call, and five dollars later they had a banana for Luci on the tree. Unfortunately, they spelled her name wrong and she still hasn't forgotten.


Unknown said...

That is a great little story!! You are so nice.

Nicole Marsh said...

That is awesome!! Haha Luci is so funny. I can't believe she woke up at 5:30am, I bet you were dying.

The Tharps said...

You're such a great mom!

Shauna said...

Ha! That's so great. I love it....what a cutie :)

Dione said...

Geesh! For 5 bucks you'd think she could have her name spelled any way she wants it!

Cute story! Cute girl!