Saturday, December 19, 2009
Last Friday Luci and I did make-overs. I fixed her hair kind of funky and she wanted me to fix my hair just like hers. It looked cute on her, but I just looked liked a polygamist. I had to cake the make-up on real heavy in order to make up for the drab hair-do. Luci of course had to have her make-up done too.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I meant to put these pictures up almost two weeks ago when we got our tree, so they are slightly outdated. We had fun picking out our tree this year because Luci was so excited about it. She had a blast decorating it too. This is the first Christmas that Luci seems to understand what is going on and she is loving it. I admit that I am loving it too. It is so fun to see her so happy and excited.
A few days after we decorated the tree I fell asleep on the floor watching TV with Luci. Not too long after I woke up to Luci trying to pierce my ear with the wire hook of one of the ornaments. That naughty girl!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Luci is going through a phase where she says exactly what is on her mind. Here are a few recent examples:
Last Thursday Luci had an accident and was complaining that her pee pee hurt. Just as we were finished changing her clothes, the missionaries arrived for dinner. Luci immediately went up to the one of the missionaries and informed her that she had a sore pee pee. The missionary just looked at her confused, and Luci continued to repeat herself even louder. Luckily Kirk was close by and ended the conversation by saying "but it's getting better."
On Saturday I was at Walmart with Luci, when an African American man walked by. Luci pointed right at him and loudly stated "That boy has black skin." Luckily he didn't seem upset about it but just awkwardly laughed as he walked off.
On Sunday Kirk was putting a tie on for church and Luci asked, "Is that the tie we gave you?". Kirk, thinking she was talking about the one we gave him for Father's day, said "No, but I'll go get that one." As he was walking back to our room Luci shouted, "No, it's under the tree." She then proceeded to get his wrapped tie and give it to him. So, Kirk got a Christmas present early.
I have found that Luci is not very shy, which is quite a contrast to me. She will talk to adults and tell them exactly what she wants or what is on her mind. About a month or two ago we went out to dinner as a family. The waitress asked Kirk and I what we would like to drink and we both replied that we'll just have a water. Immediately after Luci looked straight at the waitress and said, "and I'll just have a milk".
Luci is very smart and good with her letters. She has known how to spell her name for quite a while and is starting to write the letters. Because we spell her name with an i, it is often misspelled by others. In nursery on Sunday her teacher wrote her name on her picture spelling it with a y. Luci quickly informed her that she spells it with an i and the teacher made the change.
I love being a mom and watching Luci grow and learn new things everyday. Motherhood brings many joys and is well worth the hardships of it (she is asleep right now). I am so excited to have another baby! Our failed attempts to add to our family in the past have caused me to really appreciate the gift of procreation. I feel so blessed to have Luci and to have made it this far into my pregnancy. I look forward to meeting the next member of our family.
Last Thursday Luci had an accident and was complaining that her pee pee hurt. Just as we were finished changing her clothes, the missionaries arrived for dinner. Luci immediately went up to the one of the missionaries and informed her that she had a sore pee pee. The missionary just looked at her confused, and Luci continued to repeat herself even louder. Luckily Kirk was close by and ended the conversation by saying "but it's getting better."
On Saturday I was at Walmart with Luci, when an African American man walked by. Luci pointed right at him and loudly stated "That boy has black skin." Luckily he didn't seem upset about it but just awkwardly laughed as he walked off.
On Sunday Kirk was putting a tie on for church and Luci asked, "Is that the tie we gave you?". Kirk, thinking she was talking about the one we gave him for Father's day, said "No, but I'll go get that one." As he was walking back to our room Luci shouted, "No, it's under the tree." She then proceeded to get his wrapped tie and give it to him. So, Kirk got a Christmas present early.
I have found that Luci is not very shy, which is quite a contrast to me. She will talk to adults and tell them exactly what she wants or what is on her mind. About a month or two ago we went out to dinner as a family. The waitress asked Kirk and I what we would like to drink and we both replied that we'll just have a water. Immediately after Luci looked straight at the waitress and said, "and I'll just have a milk".
Luci is very smart and good with her letters. She has known how to spell her name for quite a while and is starting to write the letters. Because we spell her name with an i, it is often misspelled by others. In nursery on Sunday her teacher wrote her name on her picture spelling it with a y. Luci quickly informed her that she spells it with an i and the teacher made the change.
I love being a mom and watching Luci grow and learn new things everyday. Motherhood brings many joys and is well worth the hardships of it (she is asleep right now). I am so excited to have another baby! Our failed attempts to add to our family in the past have caused me to really appreciate the gift of procreation. I feel so blessed to have Luci and to have made it this far into my pregnancy. I look forward to meeting the next member of our family.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving and DC
We had a really nice Thanksgiving Break. Kirk had the week off, so we thought it would be a great time to head down to the Temple (The DC temple is our Temple). We left Monday morning and arrived in the afternoon. Luci did surprisingly well on the drive. She slept most of the way, but was up until midnight as a result. When we got there we headed down to the metro and road that to the Mall. There is so much to see in DC and a ton of museums that are all free. We decided to go to the Museum of Natural History. For those of you who have seen the second Night at the Museum, that's the one. Luci had a lot of fun running around and seeing the different displays they have. The place is huge, they everything from butterflies to rare gems and ocean life. After we got out it was raining and dark and rush hour. Riding the metro back was not as pleasant as riding it there. We were soaking wet and had to stand the whole way. The metro isn't as patient as Trax is. I went to get on and the doors slammed shut right on me. For those of you planning to ride it sometime in the future, just know that they don't reopen after they slam shut on you. So I had to push them open enough to squeeze my way back out. Uhg!
The next day we headed off to the Temple. The DC temple is big and beautiful. It reminds me a lot of the San Diego Temple because it just pops out in front of you as you are driving down the free way. We spent most of the day at the Temple. Kirk and I each took turns watching Luci while the other one went in. By the time we were both done, it took about five and a half hours. Luckily they have a really nice visitors center and Luci was really good. Our drive home was crazy. We had my Dad's GPS, and decided to have it lead us on the shortest distance home. It ended up taking us off the freeway and onto windy death roads. To add to the danger it was dark, raining, and extremely foggy. It took us five hours, but we finally made it home safely.
Thanksgiving day was also very nice. A family from our ward invited us over to their house for dinner. They also had another family from our ward come who brought 2 friends, and the missionaries who brought two investigators. It turned out to be a good sized crowd. Luci only at a roll and then ran off to play. Not surprisingly, when the deserts were brought out, she sampled a slice of every pie!
There are so many nice people out here that have welcomed us into their homes and treated us like family. It has made living far away from family easier. (Don't worry family, we still love and miss you guys a ton!)

This is about the only picture we took on Thanksgiving. Well, Kirk did take one of me wearing a chef hat and cooking, but I didn't want to put that one on here :). These are all of the kids watching a movie after the dinner.

The next day we headed off to the Temple. The DC temple is big and beautiful. It reminds me a lot of the San Diego Temple because it just pops out in front of you as you are driving down the free way. We spent most of the day at the Temple. Kirk and I each took turns watching Luci while the other one went in. By the time we were both done, it took about five and a half hours. Luckily they have a really nice visitors center and Luci was really good. Our drive home was crazy. We had my Dad's GPS, and decided to have it lead us on the shortest distance home. It ended up taking us off the freeway and onto windy death roads. To add to the danger it was dark, raining, and extremely foggy. It took us five hours, but we finally made it home safely.
Thanksgiving day was also very nice. A family from our ward invited us over to their house for dinner. They also had another family from our ward come who brought 2 friends, and the missionaries who brought two investigators. It turned out to be a good sized crowd. Luci only at a roll and then ran off to play. Not surprisingly, when the deserts were brought out, she sampled a slice of every pie!
There are so many nice people out here that have welcomed us into their homes and treated us like family. It has made living far away from family easier. (Don't worry family, we still love and miss you guys a ton!)
This is about the only picture we took on Thanksgiving. Well, Kirk did take one of me wearing a chef hat and cooking, but I didn't want to put that one on here :). These are all of the kids watching a movie after the dinner.
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