"The Prophet said to plant a garden . . . so that's what we'll do."
In case you didn't know, that's a primary song. I had never heard it before I married Kirk. He loves plants and gardening so much that it has become his theme song. When we first moved here, Kirk was so excited to find out that the park behind our apartments has community garden plots. As soon as we found out how to sign up we got on the waiting list. Lucky for us, we were able to get our own 300 square foot plot. So on Monday we had Family Home Evening in the morning, at the garden (I bet you can't guess what our opening song was!). Luckily for me, Kirk not only loves to garden, but he's good at it, and has taken over doing it! So I just get to sit back, pull a few weeds here and there, and enjoy home grown tomatoes.

Since Kirk wants Luci to love gardening just as much as him (and because she's a Daddy's girl), he bought her a pink princess shovel, gloves, and watering pail.

Clara slept in her stroller the whole time and I didn't get a picture of her. So here's a cute one of her just yesterday. She was smiling and cooing until I got the camera out. I kind of caught one in this picture though.

Today is her 7 week birthday and she now weighs 9 lbs 13 oz! I can't believe how the time flies and how fast they grow! I am starting to get better sleep and my hormones have finally leveled out which makes having two kids so much more enjoyable. I love them both so much!