Monday, March 12, 2012

Six Years

On Sunday Kirk and I celebrated our six year anniversary. I'm so grateful to be happily married! It has not always been a bed of roses, but we have plenty of reasons to rejoice. I'm very grateful for Kirk and love him so much!

Here are just six of the reasons I love Kirk:

1. He never gets mad at me when I brake his stuff. I'm not sure why, but I am very hard on things. I stain more clothes and break more things than my kids sometimes. Often its Kirk's stuff I'm ruining. For example, yesterday I knocked his phone under the seat of the car. In order to find it, I slid the seat back to get a better view. The seat wouldn't move very easily so I just pushed harder. I couldn't find it and gave up. Later Kirk went to get it and discovered that it was his phone making the seat hard to move, evidenced by the smashed screen. Did he get mad? Nope, not at all. (it helps having a ghetto phone to begin with).
When we were engaged I spilled oil on his leather shoes from Brazil. I felt so terrible. He brushed it off like it was nothing.
Even his beloved apple lap top has been my victim. The mouse pad stopped working the other day when I was using it. I was so afraid to tell him, but to my surprise he didn't get mad at all. Even when he found out I was eating an orange as I blogged and that that was possibly the reason it stopped working.

2. He helps around the house. Even as I type he is loading the dishwasher. He's a great cook, folds laundry far better than I do, and will even scrub the toilet if I ask him. Nothing is more manly than a man doing housework :)

3. He is an excellent Father. Our girls adore him! He tickles them, reads them books, plays Lego's with them, and takes time to teach them all kinds of things (tonight he was teaching Luci the square root of things). There is never a shortage of "I love you"s from him. He is also really good about putting the girls to bed to give me a break.

4. He's a hard worker. One of the first things I loved about Kirk when we were dating was his plan for the future. He knew what he wanted to go into and was working hard to pay for it and get good grades. Since then he has always been good at providing for our family, even when it meant a 50-60 hour work week on a low salary and in a non-ideal environment.

5. He doesn't take life too serious. He doesn't worry about things, but rather goes with the flow of life. Very opposite from me! I worry all the time and overly analyze everything. I'm due to have our baby in about three weeks and we are moving in two weeks. I'm a nut case over it, but Kirk is always reassuring me that everything will work out. He keeps me grounded and sane.

6. He helps me feel beautiful. I've never had the best self esteem, but since I've known Kirk I've felt so much better about myself. He accepts me the way I am, and that in turn has helped me to accept myself the way I am. Since we've been married I've gone from bleach blonde to dark brown hair in a variety of lengths. My body has been all different sizes too. No matter what, he's always made me feel beautiful, and I'm so grateful for that!

I love you Kirk! You'll probably never read this unless I make you, but you mean the world to me (and such).

On our Anniversary weekend we were up at Palmyra to attend the temple. We turned it into a little trip and spent two nights. It was really nice to get away and be so spiritually edified.

And I'll end this post with a very romantic picture of our shadows. LOL. Aren't shadows so flattering?


Unknown said...

Happy Anniv Chels.

Marisa Jean said...

You two are the ideal couple.

And I agree, nothing is sexier than a man doing housework!

What surprises me is that you don't like your looks. What I wouldn't give to look like you!

I can't wait to see your little one!

Congrats on six great years together. So glad you found one another! :)

P.S. The phone story made me laugh out loud. Ha ha. Can't tell you how many things I've ruined. I'm really hard on items, too!

Unknown said...

You and your family are so sweet. I loved reading the posts about your daughters. You are such a cute pregnant girl!

The Hoggan's said...

Happy 6 years! It is hard to believe that you don't have the best self esteem because you have always been so pretty and smart-plus you are one of the lucky ones that just look cute pregnant instead of chunky.

Janaca and Jared Seegrist said...

Congrats! That is awesome you were all able to take a little trip up there. I loved that place. You guys are awesome and we can't wait to see you.

Nicole Marsh said...

You are too funny Chelsa! I love the pic of you holding Clara and it looks like she is trying really hard to get down. haha. Happy Anniversary. Tell Kirk you need to move back here so he and Blake can hang our (and we can leave them with the kids hehe)